Are you planning to buy a property or to take a mortgage loan? Are you trying to evaluate the various aspects of loan? Free Loan Calculator is a TedCo Software product that may help you to accurately calculate payable amounts according to various parameters.
FLC supports different parameters, like payment frequency, number of payments, annual interest rate, estimated taxes, and estimated insurance cost. FLC allows users to select from nine various payment terms, including “daily” based on either a 360- or a 365-day year. The program will automatically calculate and show you the duration in years, based on the number of installments and the payment frequency entered. To add more value, the application provides very good online support and an extensive blog to guide people on how to evaluate their loans. In most cases, you will like to compare two loans from two different providers, and here is where Free Loan Calculator comes in really handy.
The program includes excellent features and it is user-friendly, too. It also links to some web resources, which might prove to be very useful in case you are interested in borrowing money.